Hegedus Aerodynamics

Comparison of ϵ2 Formulations for Artificial Dissipation

Note: the equations below require MathML to be displayed.

Two formulations for ϵ2, which is required for artificial dissipation, are compared.

The first formulation, which will be labeled "Maximum Nu", is as follows,

ϵ i + 1 2 , j , k 2 = κ 2 max ν i + 1 , ν The second formulation, which will be labeled "Average Nu", is as follows,

ϵ i + 1 2 , j , k 2 = κ 2 2 ν i + 1 + ν i The following plot shows the convergence of both formulations for a NACA 0012 Euler run at Mach 1.4 and an angle of attack of 4 degrees.

e2 comparison

The following contour plot shows the L2 norm of the Δq vector for each grid point for the maximum nu formulation at the last time step.
